Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jewish Contributions to the American Military throughout the Years

The Jewish people have been involved in the United States Military since 1775 before the United States was even the United States! Although the Jewish population was small (only about 2,500}, many Jews fought in the Revolutionary War under General George Washington. Jewish people have continued this tradition, fighting in every war, major conflict, and proudly serving in peacetime. Jewish people represent the United every branch, dispersed around the globe, proudly serving.

In March of 1863, the US Congress created the Medal of Honor. This award is presented directly by the President and is the most prestigious award that can be bestowed upon a service member. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, to date since 1863, of the 3,459 awards that have been presented to our service members 16 of them have been awarded to Jewish service members. Aside from honorably serving in their duties, Jewish people have gone above and beyond in their time in service, resulting in hundreds of thousands of decorations being bestowed upon them for bravery and service. During the Civil War four Jewish soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor, and during the Spanish American War, Teddy Roosevelt promoted five of the best and bravest men in his command, one of whom was Jewish.

Additionally, during the Spanish American War 50 Jewish men were promoted to Officers in the Army and Navy. In World War I, 250,000 brave Jewish men answered the call and volunteered to fight for the US in Europe and over 1,100 of them received awards for bravery and service and three were awarded the Medal of Honor. In World War II, 550,000 Jewish men volunteered and served honorably, earning over 55,000 decorations and being awarded three Medals of Honor. General John J Pershing, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, General Douglas MacArthur, and the Commanders of the Army and Navy in Europe, all praised their Jewish service members for serving with distinction, patriotism, and "faithfulness, diligence, and bravery in battle". During the conflict in Vietnam, two more Jewish soldiers earned the Medal of Honor, as well as many other Jewish soldiers, took up critical roles in Special Ops teams, conducting top-secret Black Ops missions behind enemy lines and are being credited with saving hundreds of lives.

Since the beginning of our country in 1776 Jewish people have given their service and lives for our great country. Over one million Jews have served; a number (when placed into proportion to the small Jewish population) which is a tremendous amount. Jewish people continue serving to this day, serving on the ground and as advisors in the Middle East, Africa, and all across the globe. Not only are they service members, but they have gone above and beyond to answer the call of duty, doing more than required, risking their lives for the safety of others. They serve, protecting us in distant lands, and deserve our utmost respect, and sincerest thanks.

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